My Very First ArtWalk!
Last Thursday, I had the privilege of being an artist at the North Beaches ArtWalk in Neptune Beach, FL. I've been selling my Handplayed Handmade jewelry on our Flagship Romance merchandise table at our concerts, but this was my very first ArtWalk experience. I LOVED IT.

I met so many fun people that were enamored with the idea of upcycling Shawn's used guitar strings to create one-of-a-kind pieces. The first hour was a little slow; people asked questions and oooh'ed and ahhhh'ed over the jewelry, but it wasn't till halfway through that the necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and rings started to find new owners.
It can be a little bit bittersweet when someone purchases one of my pieces. I'm sure many other designers have this same feeling. It's like, I've put a lot of time, energy, and love into this, and I kind of want to keep it! That feeling is quickly replaced with the enjoyment of another person taking my creation home.
On Thursday, I especially felt this way when one of my favorite necklaces was swept away. Her name was "Snow Queen," and she featured a gorgeous chunk of Labradorite (swoon!), as well as bone, wood, Labradorite rondels, & a leather tassel.
I said goodbye to "Snow Queen," & a few of my other favorite baubles, and I left my first ArtWalk feeling accomplished & rejuvenated! I am really, really looking forward to the next North Beaches ArtWalk in November -- AND I just got an e-mail today that I was accepted as an artist to the Jacksonville Beach ArtWalk, as well!
My husband & partner, Shawn, signed me up for the ArtWalks around the Jacksonville area, filled out all of the paperwork for me, and has been my biggest cheerleader. I couldn't be more grateful.
Now, I'm going to go make some more kitty rings since I just got my kitty beads in. Thank you for reading my little blog, and for your support of my Handplayed Handmade jewelry!